5 Ways to Handle Bad Tenants in Charlotte

It can be emotionally wearing when you have a tenant that has become far less stellar than the referrals you reviewed and the information provided on their application that led you to accept them in your property.  When facing such a difficult situation, it’s constructive to have a guide providing you with options and steps … Continued

5 Property Management Mistakes Charlotte Investors Often Make

Property management matters from the selection of tenants and all that follows. The best location and building in the world won’t overcome the cost of poor management; when tenant complaints are ignored, as a rule, it can become troublesome. Leaving unresolved tenants and management can also lead to non-payment of rent in protest of poor … Continued

5 Things You Can do to Keep Good Tenants in Charlotte

Please don’t go! With happier tenants overall, your turnover rates will be lower than the average in Charlotte, and your income will be steady and reliable, making you a happy landlord. And once you have gone through the trouble of a thorough screening process and have located exceptional tenants, you simply will not want them … Continued